The Writer’s Bloc


Dan seems to exist in a temporal rift, as he has his finger on the pulse of so very many things, whether it’s the latest film, TV series, book or video game, Dan always seems to be ahead of the curve. And so it is true with his writing. His debut Burning House was revealed to me with his customary lack of fanfare, merely that he had written it and it was on the verge of being released.

We’ve known each other for years and we have often shared our creative goals and passions over pints, he deals in High Concept horror stories. Burning House is a nod to John Carpenter, his follow up Maldicion is steeped in the writing of H.P.Lovecraft, whilst his third, well, I’ve never heard or seen him so excited about his writing, so you can bet that it’s going to be a belter.

Get in contact with him via Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, his own website or gaze at his face on YouTube.


DSC_0115J.R.Park has discussed his sick and twisted stories with me for years now, this year, having worked tirelessly on three title’s, he decided now was the time to unleash them on the unsuspecting public. Horror runs through his veins, much like Daniel Marc Chant, when the pair of them get together, they reel off films most people (myself included) have never even heard of.

He has decided to break us in gently, with the release of his debut Terror Byte, equal parts horror and action flick, he is merely warming us up for his next releases. Punch has just been released out of its dungeon, and book three, Upon Waking is relentless, it is proof that he means business. His writing and the graphical layout of his books leans heavily towards his idol Guy N. Smith and seventies exploitation movies. Lock your door and make sure the lights are working.

Get in touch with him via Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads or his own website.